Possible balances to help out low level PCs

Ideas and suggestions for game mechanics and rules.
Valsharess of ALFA
Posts: 3707
Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:37 pm
Location: Qu'ellar Faen Tlabbar, Noble Room 7, Menzoberranzan, NorthUnderdark

Post by Mikayla »

We fought and killed a hill giant with power attack the other day, and not a single PC died.
I think we also fought a stone giant, yes? Ogre, then hill giant, then stone giant? People dropped, like 3 of them, but no one actually died because the group was able to save them.

Anyway, I like the decreased lethality ... for groups. I am not sure soloing should be encouraged - soloing is dangerous work. Also, I don't see the need to decrease the cost of healing - if - the server actually provides the level of rewards it is supposed to. Right now, TSM is not doing that - there might be one PC of 3rd/4th level who is near "Average" wealth, with the rest at or below "Low" wealth, which is not the way the wealth distribution is supposed to be. So, the problem is not that the healing is too expensive, its that there is currently too little wealth on the server. Once the TSM DMs get the wealth/loot distribution worked out, healing will not seem so expensive - right now it is extraordinarily expensive not because 50gp for a CLW is so much, but because there is no loot on the server and everyone is at or below the "Low" end of wealth.
ALFA1-NWN1: Sheyreiza Valakahsa
NWN2: Layla (aka Aliyah, Amira, Snake and others) and Vellya
NWN1-WD: Shein'n Valakasha