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NWN2: Rules and Mechanics list of items to discuss

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:12 pm
by coach
Will use this thread as a 'living' outline of ALFA Rules and Mechanics issues that need discussion and decisions for NWN2. This list is not in any prioritized or chronological order - just a simple list.

Help me complete the outline.

I will be going through the old posts and adding but others can do this also by searching and posting below

Please add any items or issues in this thread and i'll update the list (NOTE: only list issues here, we can discuss them in their own thread)

also add any items you think need to be considered on any of the issues (Example: issue XIII Crafting you feel DM-led only as an item to discuss we would add - DM led only under that roman numeral))

I. XP Caps
II. XP Timers
III. Loot Tokens
IV. Tradebars vs. Gems
V. Time Scale
VI. Psionics
VII. PrC's
VIII. Level Validation
IX. Epic Levels
X. Penalties for Death
XI. Cleric Domains
XII. Multi-Class rules
XIII. Crafting


I. XP Caps

II. XP Timers

III. Loot Tokens

IV. Tradebars vs. Gems

V. Time Scale

VI. Psionics

VII. PrC's

VIII. Level Validation

IX. Epic Levels

X. Penalties for Death
XI. Cleric Domains

XII. Multi-Class rules

XIII. Crafting

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:40 pm
by coach
cipher wrote:
I'm not sure what entirely falls under "server organization", but it looks like a "to do" outline, so use what you think applies.

Some of the more significant things we've discussed that I can recall (headlined):

* DM coverage and player ratio
* Centralization of control
.... tech council
.... global teams
* Visibility and frequency of scheduled campaigns
* Facilitating player organization
.... server hubs
.... player apps
* Global retention mechanisms
.... player crafting
.... dynamic npc reactions
.... dynamic quests/spawns
.... automated rp xp

Some other things on my mind:

* Conventions

Exterior/Interior Names
Exterior/Interior Tags
Content Tags (creatures, items, placeables, triggers, transitions, etc)
Signage (store vs house)
Setting up transitions
Factions/Faction Holders
Script names
Blueprint names
Global custom UDE flag constants
Global custom conversation tokens

* Persistence
* FTP structure
* Version Control
* Manuals & Training Guides

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:56 am
by Rumple C
i think adding rp spells to nwn2 should be discussed as well. Spells like spider climb, jump, and so forth that wont make it into nwn2, can't be scripted in (to work), but should have a durational spell effect added so it can be cast and the dm can note durations. Make sense?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:47 pm
by Mayhem
I reckon that right from teh word go we need a system (perhaps a database?) for keeping track of custom items.

Across servers as they stand, we have loads of supposedly identical items that are not, in fact identical.

EG 100 foot of rope on one server weighs the same as 50 foot of *silk* rope on another.

Medicine bags are different from one place to another. Etc etc.

Yadda yadda yadda


What are we going to have in place to make our second ALFA serverset is truly standardised.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:11 pm
by coach
updated rumple's idea

spidey, i think what you ask is listed on the server organization list of issues

check and see if that is what you were talking about