Server Selection Team updates

For discussion and formation of server proposals and teams.
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Server Selection Team updates

Post by Bool »

Update #1:

The Server Selection Team has now been finalised, and is as follows:

Player Admin - Mikayla
DM Admin - Spider Jones
Tech Admin - Ronan
Infra Admin - Bool

Lead Admin representative 1 - Coach
Lead Admin representative 2 - Dorn
Tech Admin representative - Fionn
Infra Admin representative - Hialmar

DM Volunteer 1 - Rotku
DM Volunteer 2 - Burt

Player Volunteer 1 - fluffmonster
Player Volunteer 2 - Grey Pilgrim
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Post by Bool »

Update #2:

The Server Selection Team has now received the Proposals, and have begun the discussion period for each Proposal.

Final Proposals received were:

ALFA 01 -- Waterdeep (cipher)

ALFA 02 -- The Far North (Marklos)

ALFA 03 -- The Savage Frontier (Donrath)

ALFA 03 -- The Savage Frontier (MShady)

ALFA 06 -- The Moonsea (Blackwill)

ALFA 07 -- The Cold Lands (coach)

ALFA 09 -- Island Kingdoms (Castano)

ALFA 11 -- Western Heartlands (Spider Jones)

ALFA 14 -- Dalelands (Murky Majere)

ALFA 18 -- Tethyr (Rick7475)

ALFA 27 -- Northdark (Inaubryn)
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Post by Bool »

Update #3:

After 2 weeks of discussion on each Proposal, including sending followup questions to each, the Server Selection Team proceeded to a simple Yes/No vote for each Proposal to move forward to the next step.

Voting was as follows:


Note: The proposal for ALFA 18 was withdrawn.

The Proposals which are now approved to continue include:

ALFA 01 -- Waterdeep (cipher)

ALFA 02 -- The Far North (Marklos)

ALFA 03 -- The Savage Frontier (Donrath)

ALFA 06 -- The Moonsea (Blackwill)

ALFA 07 -- The Cold Lands (coach)

ALFA 09 -- Island Kingdoms (Castano)

ALFA 11 -- Western Heartlands (Spider Jones)

ALFA 27 -- Northdark (Inaubryn)

Note that ALFA 02 was not a requested Starting Server, which factored into the discussion and subsequent voting.

Those which were not approved include:

ALFA 03 -- The Savage Frontier (MShady)

ALFA 14 -- Dalelands (Murky Majere)

ALFA 18 -- Tethyr (Rick7475)
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Post by Bool »

Update #4:

The next step of the Server Selection Team was to assess Proposals which had either complete or partial overlaps (ie. Same area).

Due to the outcome of the previous step, there are no Proposals overlapping, and this step is no longer required.
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Post by coach »

Final Update

Step Five - Ranking of validated proposals

It has been decided, by all involved on the server selection team, that Step Five will be unnecessary.

With only seven proposals approved for potential starting server status, and normal attrition rates of servers as they go from idea to planning to beta to Live stages, it was decided that these seven will be given the 'green light' to build:

ALFA 01 -- Waterdeep
ALFA 03 -- The Savage Frontier
ALFA 06 -- The Moonsea
ALFA 07 -- The Cold Lands
ALFA 09 -- Island Kingdoms
ALFA 11 -- Western Heartlands
ALFA 27 -- Northdark

ALFA 02 -- The Far North was approved as an expansion server

The selection team would like to emphasize that this validation to build is not a free pass, servers will still have to be approved as ready before it will be allowed to go 'Live'

The target date for ALFA Live has been set at Base Mod + 3 months. Obviously this is flexible. For example, if one or more of the above are ready at Base Mod + 2 months then Admin will have the authority to push up the Live date if they see fit. And obviously, if none of the above are ready at month 3 then the Live date will be pushed back.

In the rare case that six or seven prove capable of going Live at the target date, the DM Admin will stagger the release of servers as they see fit.

As for the above server proposals in this thread who were not validated...

:arrow: servers not in competition for an area already selected are encouraged to resubmit your proposal to the DM Admin for consideration for expansion status. You are encouraged to ask what is needed to add/take away from your proposal for it to be validated.

:arrow: servers in competition for an area already selected are encouraged to communicate with that team about the possible merging of the two teams or if that is not possible, selecting another area and submitting a proposal to the DM Admin for consideration for expansion status.

coach - Lead Staff - NWN2 conversion coordinator
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Post by Bool »


Voting for the most recently submitted Proposals was as follows:


ALFA 14 -- Myth Drannor/Cormanthor has been approved as an expansion server.
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Post by HEEGZ »

With Spider's proposal being withdrawn that opens up a slot for TFN or MD as a starting server. My personal opinion is that any server which actually passes a standards review to go live should be allowed to. Mainly because there is now only one more server than there are live slots, and we are likely to lose at least one more proposal at some point.