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Hi all!

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:43 pm
by duck83
I'm a new player so it's time for me to say "Hi".

I've just played a few hours yesterday on Baldur's Gate server and that will be the place I'll stay for a bit from now on.

About myself. I'm rather new to rping as my experience period on that could be set within the four years of gaming on various NWN1 servers. Those were all roleplaying ones though. Looking at that time spent here and there I can tell I prefer a hardcore rping and I really like that perma death system you guys got implemented here. I usually stay ic all the time, yet surely like to talk a bit in the ooc tell mode if there is not much else to do. About the hardcore rping mania of mine. I used to play like that for the last three years on one of the best NWN1 servers called The Way Inn. I really rarely did planed some grouping with other players basing on the ooc tells. That saying it was most usually like - if I met another player I could try to group with him if we got along with each other and rped that well. If on the other hand I haven't met anyone I'm not sending any tells asking where I can meet them. It is really hardcore thinking yet it worked on The Way Inn as I knew that server's locations well. It might take me some time to know ALFA's Baldur's Gate server, yet I hope I will get some occasions for rping with any of you. That saying...

... see you in-game,


I'm from Europe myself, yet I look forward to gaming with any of you.

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:45 pm
by SwordSaintMusashi
Welcome to ALFA! :D Glad to have you.

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:15 pm
by puny
Hi and welcome!

And yeay to another euro time player!

I know T-ice is a euro based BG dm that runs things on monday evenings (gmt 6 or 7 pm?)

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:49 am
by t-ice
puny wrote: I know T-ice is a euro based BG dm that runs things on monday evenings (gmt 6 or 7 pm?)
Yes I do! Please do drop in :) And please provide a bio for your character so we can have him/her chase whatever goals there is.

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:04 pm
by dergon darkhelm
Welcome!I'm US east, but I'm an old man who goes to bed early, so I play more like a euro for time zones. Hope to see you in there! :)

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:44 pm
by duck83
Thanks to you all for your greetings.

I'll write that requested by t-ice bio soon.

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:10 pm
by vergin_sacrifice
Welcome. love your character name.

Good luck, hope to see you in game.

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:15 pm
by Matti
Welcome to ALFA :-)

Re: Hi all!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:40 am
by Galadorn
duck83 wrote:I really rarely did planed some grouping with other players basing on the ooc tells. That saying it was most usually like - if I met another player I could try to group with him if we got along with each other and rped that well. If on the other hand I haven't met anyone I'm not sending any tells asking where I can meet them.
I am with you on the above, same same for me.



We spoke OOC tells yesterday! :)

See you round the Gate!

Good luck on your 3rd PC. ;)