In Thorin's defense...

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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Regas »

Castano wrote:Roll PCs or go. That's all I'm asking. Thanks zicada, you are a drunk bastard but on rare occasions that gives you a certain level of insight.
Mikayla wrote:
Anyway, roll up a PC or go? Really, my first day back on the forums and you're already telling me to scram? Not surprising, nothings really changed, but that was kind of fast. I usually don't wear out my welcome until the second day. ;)

Great to see ya Mika, and don't mind Cast, he just gets nervous around girls in tight leather pants wielding whips ;)
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Mikayla »

Hey Regas, its great to see you as well. As for Castano, fair enough. :)

I discovered that the ALFAn who told me I could DL NWN2 through Steam lied to me! LIAR! Of course, this particular ALFAn used to play a drow as well, so I should not be surprised by the cunning ruse ... nevertheless, thanks to the draft email to old-time-members you have in the forums, I found the link to GOG - what does GOG mean anyway? Doesn't matter - of course, the NWN2 DL is in like in 6 pieces. DLing and installing all those pieces thus requires "effort," and I've never been a big fan of "effort." Still, I started DLing it, though my mouse finger is sooooo fatigued. I have had to press, like, I dunno, several extra clicks.

@Heero: I delivered your (Burt's) message to Vixi. Now you owe me your soul. Or something like that. I dunno what I'd do with a soul, but the fiends seem to think they're valuable, so, like, whateva. Ciao.

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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Castano »

Mikayla wrote: I found the link to GOG - what does GOG mean anyway?
GOG is a new evil FR deity who has bent most of the realms under his rule, usurping Lloth and imprisoning her in the Abyss surrounded by dancing cans of RAID anti-spider formula. ... 2_complete $19. whips not included :P
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by oldgrayrogue »

zicada wrote:The problem really is that too many of you guys are content with the "we're a sinking ship" dynamic. It's been that way for years apparently, i know it was like that when i was still around and thats a long time ago. Remember the game A and game B thing ? Sinkingship is clearly game B, and apparently quite a few people here think its a really fun game.

Hindsight: Should've sold it more in the email you guys sent. Directing people to my shitty webdesign from 09 before i knew webdesign isn't a great sellingpoint in its own right.

So you're stuck with the 2pc thing now, and all the oldtimers hate it (its totally stupid). How much does it actually matter though day to day in game ? If it means 2 more people play on average per server per day, does one even give a sh*t ?

So you're low and empty on players and its really hard to get new people. Yeah NWN2 isnt selling. Theres a limited pool of people who might play in alfa, many hate alfa, most arent into it anymore. There are a few to grab from other less good PWs and thats it.

Remember ALFA isnt a 2000+ active player 13 server community anymore. You're a small group. Do the administration and group-management in a way that reflects that. There are a whole ton of things we could afford back in the day that are way too expensive now. If i were you, i'd focus only on how to get people to be on the servers and play, and far less on ridiclous game B, by making it far less fun to play.

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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by oldgrayrogue »

And Hi Mikayla, miss ya.
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Mikayla »

Hey there OGR - for a moment I thought you were ignoring me, and that just won't do. Its good to see you too. Its been fun reconnecting with all y'all. I am pleasantly surprised at how many folks are still left from way-back-in-the-day.
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Castano »

We are getting the band back together...didn't you see Ith's posts?
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Grand Fromage »

Wild Wombat wrote:
Grand Fromage wrote:
Adanu wrote:
Grand Fromage wrote:I'm pretty sad no one rose to the PC level bait. I mean it was a true statement of one reason why I don't play anymore but was hoping for more.
If you want constructive responses, don't try to bait people with negativity.

Oh, you guys. Thank you.
Oh, I'm not through with you yet, GF. Not by a long shot. I will get you back in game if I have to send Dennis Rodman to pay you a visit.

Seriously ... you are 13 hours ahead of US EST. Your weekday evenings are my early mornings. That is exactly when Thorin is DMing the elite-veteran-noobs that started this wandering thread. Think Duck One style. Level doesn't really matter. Think on it.
What are we calling evening, here? I get off work and am settled at home about 10 PM. Also, life and stuff.

DMing was appealing for lack of commitment. I can barely commit to stuff in real life these days, doing it to internet D&D is not gonna happen. I'm not opposed to the concept but eh. I mean, when I was properly active here, this was my entire life. It's sad but true. I built TSM during a semester off between switching universities, and as I started having a life ALFA just receded further and further out.

I know lots of you peoples balance the game with the life but I don't know. I haven't even figured out how to balance life with my new job hours yet, 2-9 PM is remarkably inconvenient. Private schoooools. :mad:
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by maxcell »

Dear Mikayla,

I missed you. wtf?

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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Mikayla »

Of course you missed me Max, everyone does after I go. ;)

Its good to see you too. As for the "wtf?" well, I ... just ... got bored. *shrugs* Playing Sheyreiza in ALFAs NWN was the best RP experience I ever had (many thanks to all those who made that experience to, from Mr. Duncan (Jain'n), Vendrin (Under Dark DMing/Hartex), Zakharra (Elvaelayl, Intharra, Faerylene), Muse (Lonely Wood DM), Kiyoti (Nylo and others), and all the others (way too many to list - I can't even remember everyone) that made it such an awesome ride. For a drow fan like me, it was the ultimate RP experience, so when NWN2 came along and I retired Shey, the characters that followed weren't as compelling for me. Vellya, Lotus and Winter .. I had fun (again, many thanks to the DMs running TSM when Rivermoot was the center of our NWN2 world, and to Mr. Duncan and company with whom I played a lot). But .. I just never got hooked again like I did the first time around. Gradually, other things got more interesting and eventually, I broke up with my long-time partner and my son came to live with me and suddenly I was a single-parent and I had no time for gaming. Still don't really, but my son is going to be with his other family over the summer, so I may have some spare time coming up.

Anyway, thats probably TMI, but you know, once prompted, I tend to talk a lot. *shrugs*

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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by maxcell »

Being verbose is a strength! Anyhow, glad you were able to put what was important first. Whether nwn, nwn2, or pls, pls, pls,...some other platform, it's nice to see you!
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by boombrakh »

pragmatic (adj.)
The opposite of idealistic is pragmatic, a word that describes a philosophy of "doing what works best."
From Greek pragma "deed," the word has historically described philosophers and politicians who were
concerned more with real-world application of ideas than with abstract notions. A pragmatic person
is sensible, grounded, and practical.
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Mikayla »

Oh, I see how it is Boom. Ya not even gonna say hi? Too cool for school eh? Fine. Just .... Fine. ;)


P.S. Thanks for the link to the chat; if I can find the time, I'll drop in at some point.
ALFA1-NWN1: Sheyreiza Valakahsa
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by boombrakh »

Mikayla wrote:Oh, I see how it is Boom. Ya not even gonna say hi? Too cool for school eh? Fine. Just .... Fine. ;)
See, im this unique rainbow-colored, unicorn-tasting snowflake and I figured if I said hi, nothing would make me stand out from the rest of the boring njublets around here. :P
pragmatic (adj.)
The opposite of idealistic is pragmatic, a word that describes a philosophy of "doing what works best."
From Greek pragma "deed," the word has historically described philosophers and politicians who were
concerned more with real-world application of ideas than with abstract notions. A pragmatic person
is sensible, grounded, and practical.
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Re: In Thorin's defense...

Post by Mikayla »

See, im this unique rainbow-colored, unicorn-tasting snowflake ...
Does that mean you are a snowflake that tastes like unicorn, or a snowflake that tastes unicorns? Cause, you know, if the former, then I'll probably have to eat you, and if the latter, well, save some unicorn for the rest of us! I was the one responsible for killing the unicorn in Lonelywood after all ... or so Jain'n told me .. and he wouldn't have lied, would he? ;)

Anyway, to all of those (Castano) who said "roll a PC" and "get in game" and all that .. well .. fine .. I did. I made a PC and I logged into Baldur's Gate and I actually got in-game for the first time in .. I dunno, 4 years? Something like that. It was fun - thanks to kiyoti and Mr. Duncan for helping me figure things out (as well the rest of the folks who were answering my questions).

ALFA1-NWN1: Sheyreiza Valakahsa
NWN2: Layla (aka Aliyah, Amira, Snake and others) and Vellya
NWN1-WD: Shein'n Valakasha
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