A Crudely Handwritten note posted in Inns around the Isles

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A Crudely Handwritten note posted in Inns around the Isles

Post by epetrow »

Crew and able bodies needed for Lightning’s Fury.

Want to fill your purse with gold or just rid the isle of some goblin scum?

Lightning’s Fury is a Rauthymar Dragonship that needs crewman to sail on treasure hunting and pest control missions.
The faint of heart need not respond. Equal shares will be had by all able bodied crewman on any mission that they contribute.
Leave word for Captain Balkr Stormsoul with the Innkeeper in Trapper's Hold if you think you have what it takes.
Current NWN1 PCs: Cyrus Thelvair, Castien Miracaryn, Yargrim Goldbrew.

"Bring out your dead!"
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