The old mage, with thick fingers scratched at crumbs in his beard. The scroll with the wax seal was before him. He knew of the sender and with bated breath cracked the seal. Candlekeep, the fabled repository of all knowledge collected throughout Faeren! Old tomes, dusty grimoires, and fragile scrolls all would be all his to study! The position yes was meager. Junior scribe, but this current lifestyle was too dangerous for Mr. Templeton. A change was in the air, this was his change.
The dwarf looked into his armoire, of many magical trinkets, and benign baubles. No, No he would not take these. A clean slate was needed. This was a red letter day. A new chapter in this old dwarf's life. Everything he made in this city would stay behind except for a few items of nostalgia, a few nude drawings of women who left their shades drawn, a fabulous small portrait of a saucy tart named, Dehlila. The dwarf, gathered up a few gold dragons, clutched his spell book and set forth. He would leave many comrades behind, but instead of making a long-drawn-out departure he left well written note behind with the gorgeous and feisty Vana.
Daladin & Templeton"
Daladin left the guildhall, he took a deep breath. Watching the citizens getting on with their daily routines he marched through the snow covered streets. South he would go. To warmer climates, and out of this winter accursed city. A smile appeared on his face, as his dingy robes flapped in the winter breeze. The dwarf now lost in thought almost knocked over a gnome in his path. The gnome had a look of him, and reminded him of himself those months ago. Flipping a coin towards the gnome Daladin roared,"Have a cider at the Safehaven!"
Moderators: ALFA Administrators, invalid group 3
Currently laying the smackdown on Faerun as: Keryn Tel'Jora, who is XXX-TREME!!!.
Currently explaining the meaninglessness of it all as Vizian Nazyr.
Currently pointing out all other characters' shortcomings as Stephen the Archer.
Currently explaining the meaninglessness of it all as Vizian Nazyr.
Currently pointing out all other characters' shortcomings as Stephen the Archer.