Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:21 pm
Animal Crafting makes use of the skill Animal Empathy to allow the courageous adventurer to tame and keep at their side a plethora of very unique animals. It requires being a Druid or Ranger to use (Use Magic Device may allow this to work?),skill investment into Animal Empathy, a Bridle (50gp, one use only), an animal and lucky rolling! This isn't too difficult to explain compared to Armour/Weapon Crafting, but I'll give you a break down as best I can.
The raw formula is as follows:
DC = 15 + crAttitude + crLevel
To explain a bit further...
The initial DC is 15 + Creature's Attitude (Friendly -5, Hostile +5, Neutral +0) + Creature's Level (+1 to DC per level)
As an example, if you were to attempt to use a Bridle on a level 1 deer, the formula would look like the following...
DC = 15 + 0 + 1 for a DC 16 to beat.
It will roll a die and then add to your Animal Empathy for the final roll value. If you fail the Bridle use, you are stunned for 15 seconds and the creature you were trying to tame will shift one attitude direction toward hostile (and yes, the one use of the Bridle is used). This means a Friendly creature will become Neutral and a Neutral creature will become Hostile to the tamer.
What You Can Tame
Animals (ex. Raccoon, Deer)
Beasts (ex. Eagles)
Magical Beasts (ex. Worg)
Vermin (ex. Beetles)
Now to note here, as some of you may see Vermin and go, "Magile, you cannot use Animal Empathy on a vermin!" That is where the most important part of information I left until here to type comes into play. It's as follows:
Ways to Prepare the Taming
Animal Empathy.
Charm Animal.
Charm Monster.
Hold Animal.
Hold Monster.
Hide/Move Silently.
Invisibility/Improved Invisibility.
If it's a neutral animal, you need only attempt to use the Bridle on the animal as it will not be in combat.
Animal Empathy, if successful, will make the animal Friendly toward you. This makes the DC much easier.
Charm Animal, if successful, acts similar to Animal Empathy.
Hold Animal/Hold Monster is best used in cases where you cannot actually Charm or Empathize with the animal you wish to tame. A proper Hold spell will treat the animal as not being in combat, allowing you attempts to tame (but it will still be considered hostile).
Hide/Move Silently. Even if the animal is hostile, if it hasn't spotted you to begin combat, you can use a Bridle and pray. If you fail, you will be stunned and possibly murdered.
The Cost
The act of taming a creature is not just a 50gp sink for the Bridle and a DC roll. Similar to all crafting, it will cost XP to complete the taming (to the point of de-leveling you, so be careful!).
The formula is as follows...
(CR^3) + (3*(DC+15))
DC cubed + 3 multiplied by DC+15
ex. A level 7 Animal that is hostile toward you will yield the following cost if you tame it as is:
(7^3)+(3*(27+15)) = 469xp
It's very expensive if you do not have means of lowering the DC!
How It Functions without Math:
The raw formula is as follows:
DC = 15 + crAttitude + crLevel
To explain a bit further...
The initial DC is 15 + Creature's Attitude (Friendly -5, Hostile +5, Neutral +0) + Creature's Level (+1 to DC per level)
As an example, if you were to attempt to use a Bridle on a level 1 deer, the formula would look like the following...
DC = 15 + 0 + 1 for a DC 16 to beat.
It will roll a die and then add to your Animal Empathy for the final roll value. If you fail the Bridle use, you are stunned for 15 seconds and the creature you were trying to tame will shift one attitude direction toward hostile (and yes, the one use of the Bridle is used). This means a Friendly creature will become Neutral and a Neutral creature will become Hostile to the tamer.
What You Can Tame
Animals (ex. Raccoon, Deer)
Beasts (ex. Eagles)
Magical Beasts (ex. Worg)
Vermin (ex. Beetles)
Now to note here, as some of you may see Vermin and go, "Magile, you cannot use Animal Empathy on a vermin!" That is where the most important part of information I left until here to type comes into play. It's as follows:
Ways to Prepare the Taming
Animal Empathy.
Charm Animal.
Charm Monster.
Hold Animal.
Hold Monster.
Hide/Move Silently.
Invisibility/Improved Invisibility.
If it's a neutral animal, you need only attempt to use the Bridle on the animal as it will not be in combat.
Animal Empathy, if successful, will make the animal Friendly toward you. This makes the DC much easier.
Charm Animal, if successful, acts similar to Animal Empathy.
Hold Animal/Hold Monster is best used in cases where you cannot actually Charm or Empathize with the animal you wish to tame. A proper Hold spell will treat the animal as not being in combat, allowing you attempts to tame (but it will still be considered hostile).
Hide/Move Silently. Even if the animal is hostile, if it hasn't spotted you to begin combat, you can use a Bridle and pray. If you fail, you will be stunned and possibly murdered.
The Cost
The act of taming a creature is not just a 50gp sink for the Bridle and a DC roll. Similar to all crafting, it will cost XP to complete the taming (to the point of de-leveling you, so be careful!).
The formula is as follows...
(CR^3) + (3*(DC+15))
DC cubed + 3 multiplied by DC+15
ex. A level 7 Animal that is hostile toward you will yield the following cost if you tame it as is:
(7^3)+(3*(27+15)) = 469xp
It's very expensive if you do not have means of lowering the DC!
How It Functions without Math:
- 1. Purchase a Bridle (50gp), be a Ranger or Druid and have skill points invested in Animal Empathy.
- 2. Find an animal you wish to tame.
- 3.Use the Bridle on the animal, following the information on preparing to tame and the DC involved.
- 4a.If a failure, you are stunned for 15 seconds and the animal goes on tier lower with its attitude toward you (Friendly/Neutral/Hostile).
- 4b.If successful, you will receive a small summon orb in your back pack and lose XP based on the formula prior to this section.
- 5.The item allows you to summon that companion once per rest.
- If your animal companion dies while it is summoned, you lose the summoning item and you must spend XP and GP to do it all over again.
- You can have up to four of the tamed animals active (summoned) at the same time.
- You can have up to one regular animal companion (Druid/Ranger Ability) active at any given time. It does not take up a slot for tamed animals.
- You can have one summoned creature from a spell available at any given time. It does not take up a slot for tamed animals.
- You can have one dominated animal via Animal Empathy or Charm Animal active at any given time. It does not take up a slot for tamed animals.
- In total, this means you can have up to seven animals surrounding you at once!