The History of Pebbles

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Brimsar the Wanderer
Frost Giant
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The History of Pebbles

Post by Brimsar the Wanderer »

This is a normal nondescript leatherbound book. Nothing on this book catches the eye, and could easily be misplaced, overlooked or hidden, amongst countless journals, ledgers or historical lectures. Its cover is worn and faded, with the title “The History of Pebbles.” The spine is cracked, and the pages are yellowed with age, giving it the look of a book that has been forgotten on a dusty shelf for decades.

To further disguise its importance, the book has a few pages just stuffed inside haphazardly, with seemingly irrelevant information, like grocery lists or random musings, to throw off any casual reader. This way, the book blends into the background, easily overlooked by anyone who isn’t specifically searching for it.

However, within the 9” x 12” (23 x 30 cm) covered book, lie the calculations, scribblings, and illustrations one would expect of an arcanabula. The handwriting is a cramped, almost illegible script, with occasional doodles in the margins. The paper is thin and brittle, making it seem like it could fall apart at any moment. The book has a faint musty smell, reminiscent of old libraries and forgotten attics.

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