ACR Player Report

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DMs who open the Player List (by default, "P" is mapped to this GUI) will only briefly see the default Player List, while our scripts verify (for security reasons) that they are indeed DMs logged in as DMs before it is replaced by the ALFA Player Report. This report is more directed toward DMs, and focuses on player groups and tracking, and has removed the player-facing functionality for character vs. character hostility management, joining parties, and managing party leadership.


  • Party Membership is color coded on the Player Report. These colors are assigned and re-assigned to parties at the moment the Player Report is opened, so this will only be consistent between DMs if it is opened by both DMs with no players logging in or out in between the instances of color assignments. There are seven "teams" that the Player Report is capable of displaying: blue, cyan, red, magenta, green, brown, and grey.
  • Character Alignment is represented by the default NWN2 icons, in a column next to the character name.
  • Character Deity is represented by the deity's holy symbol-- or blank, if none-- in a column beside the character's alignment.
  • Character Primary Class is represented by the class' default icon. If the character has a prestige class, it will display that icon; if the character is multiclassed without a prestige class, it will display the higher-level class' icon. If all class selections are equal, it will display the one taken at level 1.
  • Character Wealth Level is represented by new icons: an out-turned pocket represents characters who have less than half of their target wealth (and thus desparately need loot). A stack of copper coins represents characters who have more than half of their target wealth, but less than target (and thus need loot). A stack of gold coins represents characters who have at least their target wealth, but less than 150% of their target wealth (and thus can advance some before anyone has to worry about loot). A pile of gold coins and bars represents a character who has more than 150%, but less than 200%, of their target wealth (and thus could stand to waste or give away some money, and should probably actively have their rewards reduced). A money bag with an exclamation point represents a character who has more than 200% of their target wealth (and is thus ineligible for any wealth-related drops, and should likely have their items evaluated for appropriateness and Standards/ guidelines compliance). Characters who are close to target wealth have a gold coin with a green check beside it, and require no special consideration when providing loot.
  • Player Play Style is not yet implemented. In the future, it will contain icons representing a suit of cards representing play style, by Bartle's taxonomy (clubs for killers; spades for explorers; diamonds for achievers; hearts for socialites) and colored by the GNR theory (red for gamist; green for simulationist; blue for narrativist). For instance, a green spade would represent a cliche tech person.


Double Clicking a character on this list will teleport the DM avatar to the character, if that character is far away. Double Clicking again, or when the character is nearby initially, will cause the DM avatar to autofollow the chosen character.

In addition, there are buttons associated with the new display. By selecting a player row and clicking the button, different acts can be accomplished:

  • Allow Rest overrides the resting restrictions placed on characters in game, allowing them to immediately take perform a typical rest.
  • Allow Study overrides the study and prayer restrictons placed on characters in game, allowing them to immediately prepare spells.
  • View Inventory opens the ACR Inventory Report for the selected player.
  • Boot Player functions as the one on the Player Report, excepting that the player receives a message indicating who did the booting, and the event is logged.