Moonshae Isles (Server)
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Moonshae Isles | |
HDM | Arianna |
EADM | None |
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- "Our land is beautiful, the life it gives us good. How could it be otherwise? The land is the Goddess. But the Goddess serves the Balance, and as goodness grows in power, so must evil have its day. Wherefore all who live in the Moonshaes have felt the bite of evil as it rises again and again to threaten us.
- What can vanquish it, for a time? The forces of good. And what are they? They have a thousand faces and a thousand names. We call them heroes." -- Andabbar Meihklann, Bard of the Snows
Welcome to the Moonshae Isles, or "The Isles" as they are commonly called by their inhabitants, where light and dark struggle for dominance in a never ending conflict. Here various human and demihuman cultures meet, sometimes warring, sometimes living in peace.
A cold cluster of rocky islands cloaked in mists and deep woods, sprinkled with abundant beasts, bogs and soaring mountains, the Moonshae Isles are shared by two dominant races of Humans, recently and loosely united by oaths into a single kingdom ruled by High Queen Alicia Kendrick from the seaside mountain citadel of Caer Callidyrr. The northern parts of this kingdom are dominated by seafaring Northmen descended from the raiders of Ruathym, while the Ffolk, the Isle's original human inhabitants control the south. Both races are shaped by the rugged striking landscape and harsh weather. The Ffolk, who reside in dozens of small kingdoms, or cantrevs, revere the land, and the Goddess who is the land, long aware of the divine power present in every rushing stream, secret pool and mist wreathed forest on the Isles. The Northmen, organized into petty kingdoms, are less moved by the land, fearing the interior reaches. Instead, they turn their hearts to the sea and the bounty it provides, whether fish or the booty from a raid. Relations between these peoples are often strained, though the recent peace has led both to a more genteel lifestyle, at least on the more populous Isles. The outer cantrevs are still troubled by pirates, mainly from the infamous Nelanthar Isles.
Halfling settlements can be found anywhere where humans have settled in the Isles, for they build their burrows near enough to man to benefit from the protection of neighboring castles and far enough to be outside the reach of the law. The most populous, Lowhill, lies within a mile of Corwell.
Bards and Druids find special welcome in the isles, being revered in all towns and villages as story tellers and protectors of the land, respectively. Magic users must remain on guard in the more rural regions, as many villagers still recall the near total destruction of Flamsterd Isle and its school of magic many years ago, but they are grudgingly welcomed in the cities of Corwell and Callidyrr as well as the courts of some Northmen kings, so long as they keep to themselves. Clerics of the mainland deities are making inroads, having established temples in the major towns and cities, but may be met with distrust amongst the rual population who still fiercely cling to their worship of the Goddess. Demi-humans, with the exception of Drow and Dueregar (where Dueregar would even be recognized), are welcome anywhere in the Isles. Though, mainland elves will elicit extreme curiosity outside of major trading towns, due to their rarity in the Isles, and are often mistaken for the native Llewyrr elves.
Outside the regions inhabited by man and halfling, the Isles retain their original wild nature, disturbed only by the halls of the dwarves, ruined human settlements raised in wars long since past, and the few remaining native Llewyrr elven settlements deep in wooded valleys unknown to man. Tales of the fabled elven city of Chrysalis have long been dismissed as the stuff of bard storytelling. Likewise, few venture into Myrloch Vale, a wooded valley surround the Myrloch, a large cold body of water at the center of Gwynneth Isle.
Watching over this all the land, both settled and wild, the druids of the Goddess maintain their groves surrounding fabled magical pools known as Moonwells. Druid groves can be found throughout the Isles, even just outside of many towns, and serve as sites of religious worship for the Ffolk.
Starting Locations
Corwell Town on Gwynneth Isle
Sitting proudly at the base of the coastal citadel of Caer Corwell, this town, oldest of the Ffolk settlements, boasts a full complement of shops, lying as it does on the important trade routes north from Calisham and Lantan, routes which avoid going through the pirate infested Nelathar Isles, or try to at least. Corwell lies on the Isle of Gwynneth, home to Myrloch Vale, Lyrrath Forest and its haunted surrounds, Winterglen Forest, and High Home, the dwarf hold.
From Corwell Town, travel to the other isles can easily be arranged, with ships coming and going at a steady clip and a well patrolled road linking the city to the eastern port of Kingsbay, with its sea-link to the capital at Caer Callidyrr, and from thence east to Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate. Those traveling north to the lands of the Northmen may depart directly from Corwell on one of the many ships sailing north. Travel overland, especially to the wilder regions of the Isles, can be somewhat difficult, as roads are few, though there is usually a hamlet to provide shelter along the way.
Those brave, greedy or downright evil souls wishing to seek their fortune among or against the pirates of the Nelanthar Isles also have options for reaching their final destination, to be found amongst seedier dockside elements.
Port Skaug - Nelanthar Isles
For those who prefer or require a more tolerant port city Skaug is the best place to start or base a character, if by tolerant you mean one which welcomes with open arms (or other appendages) ruffians, pirates, drow, gray dwarves, and all manner of monsters and other undesirables. The town boasts a full complement of shops, lying as it does near enough to raid the important trade routes north from Calisham and Amn. Shopping is plentiful if one does not mind where the items came from.
The Moonshae Isles server is composed of many islands and island groups, each having unique geography, settlements and surface and underground wilderness areas:
A larger scale map [1] is available to players. Depending upon your player character's in-character knowledge, they may know some or many of the details on this map. So please rely upon it with caution.
The current Head Dungeon Master is Arianna, with EADM None. Current MS DMs include:
- Arianna (HDM) - (US based)
If you wish to DM on MS please contact the HDM before applying. MS DMs are expected to abide by all ALFA and MS house rules. Additionally, DMs should have a working knowledge of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and three Core Rulebooks: Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual.
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